Blog,Replacement windows

Avoiding Mistakes In Replacement Window Sizing

Your current windows are a certain size. But when you get replacement windows in Los Gatos, CA, that doesn’t mean you have to get the exact same size as you have now for every window. If you want the same size, something larger, or even something smaller, there are plenty of mistakes you can make. The professionals want to help you avoid those mistakes so you are completely happy with the end results. Here are a few to avoid:


While there’s nothing wrong with measuring walls on your house and working on some basic ideas and plans, it would be a huge mistake to take those measurements and order windows. In fact, professionals window stores won’t even allow it. They want to come to your home and take the measurements themselves. That way, if something goes wrong, it’s on them and not you. That’s a good thing for you as well. You can do some basic measuring to get ideas, but when you are ready to order, make sure the professionals come and measure the specifics.

Look Into Codes

You can dream about having a whole wall filled with windows and on some walls, that might be an option. But there are certain codes and regulations you will need to follow for building standards to keep your home safe. If you rip out a whole wall, it could lead to issues in your home that you didn’t see coming. Make sure whatever you plan follows the codes that pertain to your home. If you don’t know them, tell the window company about your plans and they will look into them for you.

Forgetting About Furniture

If you have decided that you want a large picture window in the living room and you put that in, you might be disappointed by the lack of lighting in the room once you put the couch back into place, right up against that window. You need to think about how the windows work in your room and how your furniture will work with the windows. Don’t forget about where you have things placed. You need room for your items around the windows to make them work in tandem.

replacement windows in Campbell, CA

Not Looking Into Pricing

If you have a certain budget in mind for this process, you will need to spread that money out for the whole project. That budget will have to go for the windows, the upgrades, the styles, and everything else you want. If you don’t look into how much certain window sizes will cost, you may be surprised at the end of the road and realize you can’t afford everything you’ve placed on the windows. That can be a big disappointment that you could avoid by keeping tabs on prices.

When you get replacement windows in Los Gatos, CA, the size of those windows is going to determine a lot about how much you have to spend and what results you get. The professionals at The Screen Shop will help you find a balance.

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