Blog,Replacement windows

Pairing Replacement Windows And Doors

When you need to get replacement windows in San Jose, CA, it often makes sense to get new doors for your home at the same time. Chances are, the windows and doors are about the same age. If that is the case, the doors might be in the same condition as the windows. There are advantages to putting these two projects together. When you get new windows, there aren’t nearly as many doors on your home to replace so it’s an easier thing to add on. Here are a few reasons to put the projects together:

Completely Seal Up The Home

Old windows as well as old doors can leak air in and out. That means your house is losing energy and you aren’t getting the efficiency you want or need inside. Your energy bills are higher than you’d like and you might even struggle with how fast they rise. When you get new windows, you seal up your home nicely. However, if the doors are old, there can still be air leaks around them. You lose more energy through the windows and doors than any other area of your home. If you seal up the windows OR doors, that can certainly help. But if you seal up both at the same time, you get the complete seal you need.

Bundle The Costs Together

Getting replacement windows is a big cost and it’s a cost to get replacement doors as well. IF you can pair those two things together, it can be nice to get the project out of the way at once time. You may be able to get one installation with one professional and you can possibly even get reduced rates because you are buying more products at once.

Enjoy Further Bill Lowerings

Getting replacement doors is going to lower your energy bills. Getting replacement windows is going to lower your energy bills as well. Getting both at the same time is going to make the biggest difference of all. If you want to get your energy bills in good shape, both windows and doors are important.

replacement windows in San Jose, CA

Matching The Products

Windows and doors are things that need to go together on a home. When you get them at the same time, it will be easier to match them to one another so they coordinate well and go together in a certain style. You may even end up getting the same color so they blend in or something contrasting to stand out. Getting the same energy efficiency levels can also help your home a great deal.

When you are ready for replacement windows in San Jose, CA, it’s wise to at least take a look at your doors and see if they need to be replaced as well. Pairing the projects together can make your home the most attractive, energy efficient home on the block. If you have questions about the window replacement process, contact the professionals at The Screen Shop with anything you need to know and we’ll help you through the project.

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